罗涛 (15)
EQUITY EVALUATION OF URBAN PARK SYSTEM: A CASE STUDY OF XIAMEN, CHINA《Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management》 2020年,28(3),P125-136
Urbanization diverges residents landscape preferences but towards a more natural landscape: case to complement landsenses ecology from the lens of landscape perception《International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology》2020年,27(3),P250-260
A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THREE COLOR SCHEMES IN LANDSCAPE PREFERENCE TESTS《Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management》 2019年,27(2),P114-125
城镇化进程中区域自然景观偏好度-福建案例《风景园林》 2019年,26(3),P93-98
何处寄乡愁?——由厦门、新疆高中生景观偏好比较研究引发的思考《中国园林》 2019年,278(02):P98-103.
Measuring and Understanding Public Perception of Preference for Ordinary Landscape in the Chinese Context: Case Study from Wuhan《Journal of Urban Planning and Development》 2019年,145(1) :5018021-1-9
Rethinking the intensified disparity in urbanization trajectory of a Chinese coastal province and its implications《Journal of Cleaner Production》 2018年,195(2018):1523-1532
小城镇居民参与本地城镇化进程的潜力与途径——以福建闽北地区为例《城市规划》 2016年,355(11):94-100 Potential And Path Of Small Town Residents’ Participation In Local Urbanization Process: A Case Study On The Northern Region Of Fujian Province 罗涛;黄婷婷;张天海 LUO Tao; HUANG Tinging; ZHANG Tianhai
小城镇居民参与本地城镇化进程的潜力与途径——以福建闽北地区为例《城市规划》 2016年,355(11):94-100
Driving Forces of Landscape Fragmentation due to Urban Transportation Networks: Lessons from Fujian, China《Journal of Urban Planning & Development》 2016年,142(2) P1-13.
刘江 (17)
Mediating effect on landscape experience in scenic area: a case study in Gulangyu Island, Xiamen City·International Journal of Sustainable Development &World Ecology
Effects of soundscape perception on visiting experience in a renovated historical block·Building and Environment
Factors associated with soundscape experiences in urban green spaces: a case study in Rostock, Germany·Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
Soundscape design in city parks: exploring the relationships between soundscape composition parameters and physical and psychoacoustic parameters·Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management
Effects of landscape on soundscape perception: Soundwalks in city parks·Landscape and Urban Planning
Birdsong as an element of the urban sound environment: a case study concerning the area of Warnemuende in Germany· Acta Acustica united with Acustica
Landscape spatial pattern indices and soundscape perception in a multi-functional urban area, Germany·Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management
Landscape effects on soundscape experience in city parks·Science of the Total Environment
Spatiotemporal variability of soundscapes in a multiple functional urban area·Landscape and Urban Planning
高喜红 (6)
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