Factors associated with soundscape experiences in urban green spaces: a case study in Rostock, Germany·Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
Jiang Liu, Yajun Wang, Carolin Zimmer, Jian Kang, Tianhong Yu
Urban green spaces could play a more prominent role than other types of urban open space in providing high quality soundscapes. The main objective of this study was to examine the relationships between people’s visit motivation, along with other social/demographical/behavioralas well as visual landscape factors and soundscape experiences in terms of the perceived occurrences and loudness of individual sounds, the preference for individual sounds, as well as overall soundscape preference in urban green spaces. This was based on a questionnaire survey of 400 users in four urban green spaces in Rostock, Germany. The results showed that street traffic sounds were the least preferred, but in a dominating position either in perceived occurrences or loudness, while bird song and water sound were the most preferred sounds. Among the social/demographical/behavioral factors length of stay was the most associated one with soundscape experiences, especially the perception of street traffic sound and bird song. All the five visit motivations were positively related to overall soundscape preference, with “Enjoy a quiet environment” showing the highest correlation coefficient (0.323). “Enjoy the scenery or atmosphere” showed the most significant relationships with perception of individual sounds, with totally 10 different perception parameters. The perception of street traffic sound, motorcycle noise, bird song and water sounds were more associated with visual landscape preference than other kinds of sound. Besides, overall soundscape preference could be affected by visual landscape preference indirectly through the perceived occurrences and loudness of certain sounds. The results suggested that sound sensibility indicated by perceived occurrences of individual sounds was more associated with the examined factors. These findings could be instructive in the soundscape and landscape planning and designing process of urban green spaces.
soundscape experience; visit motivation; visual landscape; green space
:Liu J, Wang Y.J, Zimmer C, Kang J, Yu T.H. (2019) Factors associated with soundscape experiences in urban green spaces: A case study in Rostock, Germany. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, (37): 135-146.